
violin by kumaresh - Manoranjani: A Raga Tribute to Manoranjani

Manoranjani is a rare and very graceful raaga, which can take three different forms, of which first two are derived from the 5th janaka raaga Manavathi, and the third is derived from the 22nd janaka raaga Kharaharapriya. Janaka raagas are like mother raagas. They are also called melakartha raagas. Raagas derived from janaka raagas are called janya raagas. They are like children born out of mother raagas. There are 72 melakartha raagas, out which numerous janya raagas can be derived by means of permutations and combinations. Though it seems like we can only derive 34000 raagas, in reality there are millions and much more possible raagas can be derived from mother raagas, differing in sruthi, swara, mood and so on patterns. Raagas (modes or melodic formulas) and thaalas (rhythmic patterns) form the basis of Indian classical music. Indian classical music, both Carnatic (South Indian style) and Hindustani (North Indian style), are melodic meaning at a given time only one single note will be played (monophonic). Western classical music, on the other hand, is polyphonic meaning at a given time many notes can be played harmoniously. Indian classical music is pure mathematical "art" form, and has very ancient tradition spanning over more than 4-5 millennia and evolved through times. Raagas are similar to Hash (index) codes of computer algorithms, except that they are sound based. That is why it is said that anyone mastered Indian classical music can learn any language of the...
Incredible, India, Carnatic, Classical, Music, Raga, Raaga, Manoranjani, Violin, Ganesh-Kumaresh, Thyagaraja
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