veena balachandar - Golden Throne of the Veena Series: S. Balachander: Part-1

This is a clip of Veena S. Balachander taken from the documentary produced by Doordarshan. Despite the clip being very short, one is awed by the dexterity, immense creativity and the singularly magnificent playing of Veena S. Balachander. In him, we find the rare combination of genius of various kinds - musical, mathematical (for his explorations in symmetries is remarkable) and the innovator. Often these days, the Vainikas lament about the lack of popular interest in the Veena. Are we meeting the golden standards set forth by the yesterday masters - should the reason for dwindling interest in the Veena solely be carried on the shoulders of the listeners? Can we - the Vainikas - still learn from the mastery and magnificence of these stalwarts. The Golden Throne Series is wholly dedicated to S. Balachander - as, in my opnion, there is none to even come close to his mastery of the instrument or the grandeur of his music on the Veena. We, as Vainikas, have a responsibility we have to shoulder - however daunting and painful - we should push the capabilities, horizons and the limits beyond where these stalwarts left behind. SB's videos are very rare. But, what little I have gathered from the Doordarshan documentary, I will showcase in this Golden Throne of the Veena series. If anyone has more videos of SB, please share with me and I would be delighted to extend this series for the benefit of musical posterity.
veena, Veenai, Carnatic, Karnatic, S., Balachander, genius, Golden, Throne, series
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