
TMS songs - Thee Mindless Spammer: Episode 1: Noobin' Around

READ: Audio is unavailable at the moment due to a copyright claim. I am working to replace the video with a new audio track as soon as possible. In the mean time, read the subtitles. The first episode of the new Runescape Series: Thee Mindless Spammer. Our friend, Thee Mindless Spammer, first goes around spamming random people (and things). Then once he finds zezima, he starts freaking out. Zezima ran away, and Thee Mindless Spammer Accidentally said "WOW" as in World of Warcraft. He washed out his mouth then went to go practice the religion of zezima. After mass he found true love. Just an average day. TMS-Gorozai Zezima-Gorozai Bot Girl-Gorozai Songs-Run to the Hills, Main Offender
T M Soundararjan
Thee, Mindless, Spammer, Episode, Noobin', Around, Noob, Runescape, Zezima, Pking, vid, ownage, pwnage, own, pwn, Skychi, Tehnoobworld, Tehnoobshow, boomertwins, Ubnub, 99, Strength, Attack
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