
Sylvia Brown - e's financial predictions for 2008

On Montel Williams show, Sylvia predicted that the housing market would get stronger ("it will"), that Ford would bring up the US automotive industry by going green (with hybrids: well duh, they're a decade behind Japanese auto makers in this regard, having spent the past 20 years oblivious to rising fuel prices, and developing gas guzzlers like the Ford F-150 instead). You don't nee to be a psychic to know the stock market is increasingly volatile, but unfortunately she missed with the "medical stock" tip. The healthcare sector has not panned out as expected in pre-recessionary times... And oddly, she completely missed the boat by not mentioning the obvious bull run in oil, precious metals and ag commodities (which HAD already started by the time this was taped). These sectors clearly HAS been the only winners, to date. For the most part, no one ever goes bak to check the accuracy of physics: well, we can do that here, and we'll cut her some slack by saying 2008 isn't over yet! :)
Sylvia Brown
psychics, predictions, business, stock, market, Sylvia, Browne, Montel, Williams
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