
osho - : THE GOD CONSPIRACY (book presentation)

THE GOD CONSPIRACY the path from superstition to superconsciousness Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Osho Media International (2009) Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0981834108 The God Conspiracy exposes the age-old alliance of the politician and the priest against human freedom, joy, pleasure, comfort and luxury. The politician pays homage to the priest in order to legitimize his power, and the priest enforces the rules of individual behavior all in the name of God. It is one extreme to believe in God; it is another extreme not to believe in God. Osho is not about belief, he is all about experience -- so that in the ideological debate about the existence of a supreme being, both atheism and theism become irrelevant. It is through meditation that one can come to discover the universal truth of one's own consciousness -- and through this direct experience, to know that life itself is enough unto itself, does not need the fiction of any god. Once this is experienced inside at one ' s deepest core, one will never project the same superstitions again. Authentic living , free of divisive belief systems based on fear and greed, does not need any god, does not need any priest, and does not need any prayer. All that it needs is an exploration of one's inner world , and a recognition of that inner world as the place where all divisions and belief systems disappear. That exploration Osho calls Zen, going inwards, reaching to the...
osho, book, meditation, god, nietzsche, conspiracy, Richard, Dawkins, Christopher, Hitchens
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