
osho - Media International

OSHO Media International - New Books for a New World OSHO MEDIA INTERNATIONAL, a new imprint of OSHO International presented first copies of a new line of books at the 2009 London Book Fair and the 2009 Book Expo America in New York. The imprint is dedicated to only one author Osho whose books are now published in 58 languages by more than 250 publishing houses. This imprint will make many original Osho titles (some, which where out of print for many years) available in a new format through the worldwide distribution by Publisher Group West. 2009 will start with nine titles and the line will continue to expand back and front list of books in the coming years. The God Conspiracy The Path from Superstition to Super Consciousness Paperback: 216 pages ¦ ISBN-13: 978-0981834108 23. June 2009 ¦ Price: $16.95 The Mustard Seed The Revolutionary Teachings of Jesus. Gnostic Gospel of Thomas Paperback: 432 pages ISBN 978-0-9818341-2-2 23. June 2009 ¦ Price: $19.95 The Book of Wisdom The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism. Seven Points of Mind Training Paperback: 362 pages ISBN-13: 978-0981834115 23. June 2009 ¦ Price: $19.95
osho, media, international, books, meditation, book, of, wisdom, mustard, seed, the, god, conspiracy
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