OSHO International Foundation - www.osho.com Dreams Are Your Unlived Life From an interview with The Tennessean Nashville, Tennessee QI HAD HEARD THAT YOU DON'T DREAM. AND I'M WONDERING IF THAT'S TRUE, AND WHY YOU DON'T DREAM, WHY YOU THINK YOU DON'T DREAM? "It is true. One has to understand why one dreams. One dreams because there are unfulfilled moments, repressed desires, things that you wanted to do, but could not because of the society, because of the culture, because of the religion. Animals don't dream. Primitive people don't dream. I have come across aboriginal tribes in India which are still living five thousand years before-they don't dream. More a man becomes repressed, civilized, starts repressing his nature and projecting a certain personality which is respectable, then there are dreams. Dreams are simply to help you. What you could not do in your waking hours, you can do in your sleep. They are a kind of substitute. That's why Sigmund Freud and his school of psychoanalysis was so much interested in your dreams. They were not interested what you think in the day. That is all hypocrisy. What they were interested was what you dream in the night, because that will give them the clue of the true person. But a Sigmund Freud will be absolutely amazed if he meets me. Because I never leave anything incomplete. I do only what I want to do, irrespective of any consequences. I don't care about respectability. I don't care about what others think of me. I simply live my...
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- Osho
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- OSHO, meditation, dreaming, dreams, repression, sleep

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