osho - : Behave As if You Are the First Here

OSHO International Foundation - Subscibe to the OSHOInternational YouTube Channel, embed videos on your site and blog and share as much as you can. My whole vision is of a human being, totally alive, intensely alive, enjoying everything that life makes available, and enjoying it with grace, with gratitude towards existence. And that's what loving yourself means. It means that you have thrown all the garbage of religious rejection, repression. You have dropped all the ideals that they have given to you; you are now standing on your own as if you are Adam and Eve. No priest has been there before, no religion has been there before; you are uncorrupted, unspoiled, clean. Start like Adam and Eve -- just think of the idea! Why bother about the past? Forget about it. You are the first man. Start living as if you don't know how to live. Nobody is there to teach you, no guidelines exist. No books exist which say how to do this, how to do that. You are just left alone on an island. Everything is available Intelligence is within you, instinct is within you, intellect is within you, intuition is within you. Now start moving. Yes, perhaps you may commit a few mistakes -- there is no wrong in it, that's how one learns. Perhaps a few times you may fall -- nothing to be worried about. You can get up again; and next time you will be walking more carefully, more alert, so you have gained something out of that fall. Out of each mistake, each error, you are constantly gaining...
Tags, meditation, Adam, Eve, OSHO, International
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