Visit videos library: Twitter: Dr. Pillai talks about a contemporary awakening of spirituality in India. He discusses a previous Indian avatar named Osho. Baba recommends a translation and commentary on the classical text Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, which is a conversation between Siva and Parvati (also called Devi) in which Siva (who is Bhairava, Lord of Time) reveals 112 meditation techniques. Baba suggests people start with a specific translation with commentary called Book of Secrets by Osho. Baba also recommends next commentary by Jaideva Singh. This is called Vijnabhairava or Divine Consciousness: A Treasury of 112 Types of Yoga. Osho himself wrote: "These methods do not belong to any religion. Remember, they are not Hindu, just as the theory of relativity is not Jewish because Einstein conceived it. And radio and television are not Christian. No one says, "Why are you using electricity? This is Christian, because a Christian mind conceived it." Science does not belong to races and religions - and tantra is a science. So remember, this is not Hindu at all. These techniques were conceived by Hindus, but these techniques are not Hindu. That is why these techniques will not mention any religious ritual. No temple is needed. You are quite enough of a temple yourself. You are the lab; the whole experiment is to go on within you. No belief is needed. Only a daringness to experiment is enough; courage...
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- Osho
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- Dattatriya, Dattatreya, Siva, Baba, Osho, dattatreyasivababa, spiritual, awakening, enlightenment, consciousness, meditation, techniques, yoga, yogi, guru, spirituality, avatar, philosophy, Dr. Pillai

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