
Earl Nightingale - | The Strangest Secret

Earl Nightingale Earl Nightingale (1921 - 1989) was an acclaimed broadcaster, a highly successful entrepreneur, and co-founder (with Lloyd Conant) of the Nightingale-Conant Corporation, one of the world's largest producers and publishers of personal development and self-help audio programs. Born into poor California family in 1921, on the eve of the Depression, Earl Nightingale was no stranger to overcoming obstacles and conquering difficulties; and he had a unique gift for inspiring others around him to do the same. From the time he was a young boy, Earl was hungry for knowledge. He would frequent the Long Beach Public Library in California, searching for the answer to the question, How can a person, starting from scratch, who has no particular advantage in the world, reach the goals that he feels are important to him, and by so doing, make a major contribution to others? His desire to find an answer, coupled with his natural curiosity about the world and its workings spurred him to a lifelong study of success and what makes people successful. Earl Nightingale's early career began when, as a member of the Marine Corps, he volunteered to work at a local radio station as an announcer. The Marines also gave him a chance to travel, although he only got as far as Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Earl was one of only 12 men to survive the bombing of the battleship USS Arizona. After five more years in the service, he moved first to Phoenix then Chicago...
Earl Nightingale
Earl, Nightingale, The, Strangest, Secret, law, of, attraction, universal, laws
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