
Earl Nightingale - How to Stop Being Lazy

by Rotem Cohen of I know. I've been there. You have a long to-do list waiting, but you find yourself oversleeping, watching TV or wasting time in other unproductive activities. Laziness usually comes from a combination of lack of energy self-motivation. In this video I share a few simple tips to help you overcome laziness... First, in order to stop being lazy you may need to increase your energy level, mainly by improving the quality of your sleep, being physically active and getting proper nutrition. 2nd, you'd probably have to work on your mindset and motivation. In short, you need to be in control - of your stress level, your thoughts and your actions. Having clear direction and purpose in life also helps. As Earl Nightingale once said "The key that unlocks energy is desire. It's also the key to a long and interesting life. If we expect to create any drive, any real force within ourselves, we have to get excited". Get Excited! Visit to find out how to overcome tiredness, laziness and procrastination and become a highly energetic and self motivated person
Earl Nightingale
lazy, laziness, procrastination, productivity, motivation
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