Earl Nightingale - 11 Laws of the Universe

Published - "The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force" Here's something that not many of you realize: the law of attraction has been around for ages. The great Orville Wright said a hundred years before that these are secrets that have been preserved so that man can discover them. So many of these geniuses have observed the universal laws. Apparently, technology doesn't play a big role in discovering everything because modern man has failed to compile these teachings. Even Earl Nightingale, the father of the personal growth industry, said that you become what you think about. This is the law of attraction in its most primal form. Bob Proctor has spent years rediscovering the law and as of today, so many people benefited from his knowledge. With him in his quest is Mary Morrissey. These two amazing individuals have worked in close collaboration to know why the law of attraction hasn't worked for many people. While Bob is the biggest promoter for the law, he does want to share everything he discovered to those who want to make their lives so much better. Instead of leaving The Secret as it is, Bob and Mary have made it their personal task to correct what the media made wrong. The movie based on the law is just sending mixed messages with gaps in everything presented. The industry has changed so much, which just made everything more confusing. Now, they'll both reveal the full law to people with the 11 Forgotten Laws. In it are...
Earl Nightingale
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