
comedy by vivek - Comedy Show Jay Hind! Episode 84: Third Generation (3G) Comedy

(telecast date 17th June, 2010) In this Episode, A Raja - the telecom minister visits the sets of Jay Hind! and gloats about the 3 G Auction, Vivek Oberoi announces the sequel of Prince, Bill Gates goes to Amethi and in LLN - watch the shocking and explosively hilarious reason for Air India's regular strikes! The spectrum of comedy in this episode is really, amazingly broad. You WILL LAUGH! Segment 1: Comedy Show Jay Hind! 3G Auction King Jay Hind! Episode 84: Segment 1 - A Raja comes to our sets and celebrates his success at the 3G Auction. His 60000 crore pride is hilarious to watch! Un-missable stuff!!! Segment 2 : Comedy Show Jay Hind! Sequel of Bullshit Jay Hind! Episode 84: Segment 2 - Prince of The Absurd Vivek Oberoi is planning and sequel - Sumeet rips him apart plus artificial life invented by scientists and Bill Gates goes to Amethi. Laughter with a Triple LLL. Segment 3 : Comedy Show Jay Hind! Terrorist Pay Hike Jay Hind! Episode 84: Segment 3 - Jay Hind! brings you an exclusive report on the pay hikes being received by Kashmiri Terrorists. Hilarious Stand Up and Gags. Segment 4 : Comedy Show Jay Hind! LNN - Air India Strike Jay Hind! Episode 84: Segment 4 - In Laid Night News e show you why Air India employees are always on strike...Unbelievably funny this!
3G, 3g auction, generation, A Raja, Raja, sequel, terrorist, pay, hike, Vivek, Oberoi, Prince, Kashmir, LNN, Laid Night News, fake, interview, 2010, bollywood, Jayhindtv, Jayhind, Comedy, Show, Late, Night, Internet, Sumeet, Raghavan, hindi, hilarious, humor, celebrity, indiancomedy, indian, desi, Award, savita, bhabhi, sex, video, TV, Raghvan, stand up comedy, cricket, dhoni, pakistan, Air, India, strike, Amethi, Rahul, Gandhi, CNN, news, comedy news channel, faking news
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