Bharathiar Song (நல்லதோர் வீணை)

நல்லதோர் வீணை செய்தே அதை நலங்கெடப் புழுதியில் எறிவதுண்டோ, 'nallathor veenai' - one of the Bharathiyar Tamil popular song - sang by three different singers and music composed by three different music directors including Ilayaraja. Please watch the video for some messages on how to promote Tamil amongst Tamils around the world.

English Translation:
Moulding a fine instrument does one rid it of its goodness by hurling it into the muck?
Tell me oh Great Goddess ye hath created me with radiant wisdom
Will ye not give me the skill, - to live benefiting this great land?
Tell me oh Great Goddess Will ye make me a burden unto the earth?

Like a balloon I asked a body obeying the requests of my heart,
I asked for strong heart asked for a brightly gleaming life always,
Even when fire sings my flesh I prayed for a sound interior singing of the Goddess ,
I asked for an unwavering mind Be there any barrier for ye to bless me with these?
-Thanks: Mr Saunthara Subramaniam Velu
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