Albert Instien - NASA | Beyond Einstein: Part I

View "Beyond Einstein: Part II" at: Want more? Subscribe to NASA on iTunes! Albert Einstein's theories rank among humanity's greatest achievements. They sparked the scientific revolution of the 20th Century. In their attempts to understand how space, time and matter are connected, Einstein and his successors made three predictions... First, that space is expanding from a Big Bang. Second, that black holes exist -- these extremely dense places in the universe where space and time are tied into contorted knots and where time itself -- stops. And third, that there is some kind of energy pulling the universe apart. These three predictions seemed so far-fetched, that everyone, including Einstein himself, thought they were unlikely. Incredibly, all three have turned out to be true. This is where NASA's Beyond Einstein program begins. Using advanced space-based technology to explore these three questions, NASA and its partners begin the next revolution in our understanding of the universe. NASA's Beyond Einstein program is poised to complete Einstein's legacy -- and ultimately unravel the mysteries of the Universe. For more information visit:
Albert Instien
NASA, Goddard, Space, Flight, Center, TV, albert, einstein, astrophysics, black, holes, dark, energy, relativity, big, bang, rich, melnick
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