Science&Reason on Facebook: Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity (Chapter 1): Introduction. The theory of relativity, or simply relativity, encompasses two theories of Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity. However, the word "relativity" is sometimes used in reference to Galilean invariance. The term "theory of relativity" was coined by Max Planck in 1908 to emphasize how special relativity (and later, general relativity) uses the principle of relativity. --- Please subscribe to Science&Reason: • • • • --- SPECIAL RELATIVITY Special relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It was introduced in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" (for the contributions of many other physicists see History of special relativity). Special relativity is based on two postulates which are contradictory in classical mechanics: 1. The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another (principle of relativity), 2. The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the source of the light. The resultant theory agrees with experiment better than classical mechanics, eg in the Michelson-Morley experiment that supports postulate 2, but also has many surprising consequences. Some of these are: • Relativity of simultaneity: Two events, simultaneous...
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- Albert Instien
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- einstein, theory, of, special, general, relativity, introduction, space, time, physics, principle, relative, motion, mass, energy, equivalence, e=mc2, speed, light, mechanics, gravitation, dilation, newton, universe

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